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Program ResourcesSuggested ReadingCHIVALRY - NON FICTION Barber, Richard. The Knight and Chivalry. Harper Colphon Books, 1982. ISBN: 006009110.
McCain, John and Mark Salter. The Character Is Destiny. Inspiring Stories Every Young Person Should Know and Every Adult Should Remember. Random House Press, 2005. ISBN: 1400064120. Internet ResourcesORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalen Knights of Pythias
The Code of Chivalry & the Cult of Courtly Love:
Dafoe, S.A. www.stephendafoe.com or search "Stephen Dafoe" on Facebook. Jecks, Michael. http://www.michaeljecks.co.uk or search "Michael Jecks" on Facebook. Napier, Gordon. http://www.dashinvaine.deviantart.com or search "Gordon Napier" on Facebook. Spradlin, Michael. www.michaelspradlin.com or search "Michael Spradlin" on Facebook. C4C ~ Mercantile & ShoppeCafe Press: http://www.cafepress.com/cforc Chivalry in ActionKNIGHTS OF THE OLD CODE
Knights of the Old Code: is is an international network bringing forth into the Modern World the Values & Ideas of Chivalry & Knighthood from the past. For more information about this program, please contact the program sponsor: http://www.medievalfantasiesco.com/